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[APIC]DataPower 의 MPGW 를 직접 수정하여 extension 기능 추가하기

by freeman98 2017. 9. 27.

안녕하세요 이정운 입니다.

이번에 DeveloperWorks 에 IBM API Connect 관련하여 DataPower 의 MPGW 를 직접 수정하여 extension 기능을 추가하는 좋은 예제가 소개되어 있어서 공유드리오니 참고하시기 바라겠습니다.

비록 영어이긴 하지만 step-by-step 형태로 정의되어 있어서 쉽게 참고하실 수 있지 않을까 합니다.


API Connect : Customising HTTP Headers for Client ID and Secret

Often we are asked by customers how they can modify the headers for the client id and client secret. Our standard response has been this is a trivial extension in IBM DataPower by adding an extra transform to the Multi Protocol Gateway. However not everyone understands what we mean!

curl -v -H “myClientIDHeader:clientidval” -H “mySecretIDHeader:secretidval” https://Datapower:443/

Applying this to an entire DataPower Service

Assuming the Test in 14. passed we now need to export these changes as a Gateway Extension.


Though it might be tempting to not create a Gateway Extension but instead to just make the changes in each DataPower Domain I recommend against this.

API Connect will redeploy the DataPower domain overwriting any configuration it is not aware of.

In IBM DataPower go to Export Configuration


Press Next

Select Processing Request from the available objects and webapi-mpgw-request-fw. Click “Include data for all objects that the selected objects require” and “Export only file for selected objects “


Click Download

Go to the CMC Console http://APIManager/cmc

Click on Services

For each DataPower service you wish to apply this to click on the Cog


Click Choose File and browse to the file exported from data power.


Each IBM DataPower Node in that service will now be refreshed and apply the gateway extension, this will take about ten minutes

Thats It!
