| Problem(Abstract) |
User's may find errors reported in the http_plugin.log file from the
plugin application. Message logged at the ERROR level are defined. | | Symptom | Errors in the http_plugin.log file | | | ![](http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21381320&aid=1) |
| Resolving the problem | br /> Message: ws_common: websphereCreateClient: Failed to get the headers - Cause: The request headers could not be read in by the plugin.
- Resolution: The request is invalid so the fix is to send a valid request.
Message: ws_common: websphereCreateClient: Failed to add special headers - Cause: An error occurred adding the special headers.
- Resolution: Contact IBM support.
Message: ws_common: websphereCreateClient: POST request with no content-length - Cause: The POST request had no content-length so the plugin doesn't know how much data to read from the client.
- Resolution: Fix the request so that it has a content-length.
Message: ws_common: websphereGetStream: Failed to get a socket, OS err=%d - Cause: Socket creation failed. The system is out of socket descriptors.
- Resolution: There is a socket descriptor leak somewhere and the machine should be rebooted.
Message: ws_common: websphereGetStream: Failed to connect to app server, OS err=%d - Cause: The plugin could not connect to the app server.(connect() call failed)
- Resolution: The application server is down or is so busy that it can't handle anymore requests.
Message: ws_common: websphereGetStream: Could not open stream - Cause: The
creation of the stream failed. In the case of a secure stream it could
be the result of either the plugin not liking the certificate presented
by the app server or if the app server is using client authentication
the server may not like the certificate presented by the plugin.
- Resolution: Ensure that the kdb/jks files being used in by the plugin/app server trust the signer of each others certificates.
Message: ws_common: websphereExecute: Failed to create the stream - Cause: Stream creation failed.
- Resolution: Check previous error messages to help narrow down what the problem might be.
Message: ws_common: websphereExecute: Failed to write with a new stream; App Server may have gone down during write - Cause: The write of the request to the app server failed.
- Resolution: The app server may have gone down while the request was being written or closed the connection causing the write to fail.
Message: ws_common: websphereExecute: Failed to read from a new stream; App Server may have gone down during read - Cause: The read of the response from the app server failed.
- Resolution: The app server may have gone down while the response was being read or closed the connection causing the read to fail.
Message: ws_common: websphereFindTransport: Unable to find a transport - Cause: The server did not have a transport defined.
- Resolution: Define a transport to be used when routing requests to this server.
Message: ws_common: websphereFindServer: Failed to find a server - Cause: A
server to handle the request could not be found. It could be that all
servers have been marked down and the plugin doesn't have any available
to handle the request.
- Resolution: Bring the app server back up so the plugin can route requests to it.
Message: ws_common: websphereHandleRequest: Failed to begin the request - Cause: Initialization and checking of the plugin request structure failed.
- Resolution: Check previous error messages to help narrow down the source of the problem.
Message: ws_common: websphereHandleRequest: Failed to create the client - Cause: Memory Allocation Failure
- Resolution: Reboot the machine and try again.
Message: ws_common: websphereHandleRequest: Failed to find a server - Cause: A
server to handle the request could not be found. It could be that all
servers have been marked down and the plugin doesn't have any available
to handle the request.
- Resolution: Bring the app server back up so the plugin can route requests to it.
Message: ws_common: websphereHandleRequest: Failed to find a transport - Cause: The server did not have a transport defined.
- Resolution: Define a transport to be used when routing requests to this server.
Message: ws_common: websphereHandleRequest: Failed to execute the transaction to '%s'; will try another one - Cause: The
plugin failed to either write the request or read the response from the
application server so it will see if there is another one defined in
the server group and try that one.
- Resolution: Check the app server that the failure occurred to and see if the machine needs to be rebooted or the app server restarted.
Message: ws_common: websphereHandleRequest: Failed to find an app server to handle this request - Cause: No app server could be found to handle the request. All servers could be marked down.
- Resolution: Check previous error messages to determine which app server appear to be down and bring them back up.
Message: ws_common: websphereHandleRequest: Failed to reply to the browser - Cause: The response failed to be sent back to the browser successfully.
- Resolution: The client hit the stop button or clicked on another linking causing the connection to be closed.
Message: ws_common: websphereHandleRequest: Failed to end the config request - Cause: An error occurred cleaning up some of the plugin request structures at the end of the request.
- Resolution: Contact IBM support.
Message: ws_common: wlmExecute: Failed to get the server list - Cause: No server list configured
- Resolution: Ensure backends configured for servers on this route
Message: ws_list: listAddToTail: Failed to create list element - Cause: Memory Allocation Failure
- Resolution: Reboot the machine and try again.
Message: ws_property: propertyCreate: Failed to create property - Cause: Memory Allocation Failure
- Resolution: Reboot the machine and try again.
Message: ws_route: routeCreate: Failed to create route - Cause: Memory Allocation Failure
- Resolution: Reboot the machine and try again.
Message: ws_route: routeSetVhostGroup: Attempted to set a NULL vhost group for route - Cause: The
name used for the virtual host group in the route does not match the
name for any of the virtual host groups you have defined in your
- Resolution: Check to make sure the name of the vhost group isn't misspelled in any of your route definitions.
Message: ws_route: routeSetUriGroup: Attempted to set a NULL uri group for route - Cause: The
name used for the uri group in the route does not match the name for
any of the uri groups you have defined in your configuration.
- Resolution: Check to make sure the name of the uri group isn't misspelled in any of your route definitions.
Message: ws_route: routeSetServerGroup: Attempted to set a NULL server group for route - Cause: The
name used for the server group in the route does not match the name for
any of the server groups you have defined in your configuration.
- Resolution: Check to make sure the name of the server group isn't misspelled in any of your route definitions.
Message: ws_transport: transportCreate: Failed to create transport - Cause: Memory Allocation Failure
- Resolution: Reboot machine and try again.
Message: ws_transport: transportCreate: Failed to create properties list - Cause: Memory Allocation Failure
- Resolution: Reboot machine and try again.
Message: ws_transport: transportCreate: Failed to create streams queue - Cause: Memory Allocation Failure
- Resolution: Reboot machine and try again.
Message: ws_transport: transportCreate: Failed to create streams queue mutex - Cause: Memory Allocation Failure
- Resolution: Reboot machine and try again.
Message: ws_transport: transportInitializeSecurity: Keyring wasn't set - Cause: The keyring wasn't set for this transport.
- Resolution: Check
the syntax of the transport in the plugin configuration. It could be
that you ended the transport element prematurely and the plugin hadn't
read in the properties needed for the GSK to initialize successfully.
Message: ws_transport: transportInitializeSecurity: No stashfile or keyring password given - Cause: Either
the stashfile wasn't set or the password for the keyring and the plugin
attempted to initialize the GSK without a keyring.
- Resolution: Check
the syntax of the transport in the plugin configuration. It could be
that you ended the transport element prematurely and the plugin hadn't
read in the properties needed for the GSK to initialize successfully.
Message: ws_transport: transportInitializeSecurity: Failed to initialize security - Cause: The
GSK initialization failed. Could be seen if the GSK wasn't installed on
the machine or if the install of the GSK was bad. GSK Initialization
parameters are incorrect.
- Resolution: Ensure
that the correct GSK version is installed. Check other error messages
previous to this one to help determine what exactly went wrong.
Message: ws_transport: transportSetServerAddress: unable to resolve host name: %s - Cause: The hostname given in the plugin configuration could not be resolved.(call to gethostbyname() failed)
- Resolution: Ensure
that DNS is functioning correctly. If you can't ping the value in the
plugin configuration the plugin won't resolve the hostname either. Try
putting in the IP address and see if that solves the problem.
Message: ws_transport: transportStreamEnqueue: Tried to enqueue a NULL stream - Cause: Just a sanity check to make sure the stream object isn't NULL before putting it on the queue.
- Resolution: Contact IBM Support.
Message: ws_transport: transportInitializeSecurity:security library not found.PluginInstallRoot is not defined. - Cause: Environment variable not set
- Resolution: Set the pluginInstallRoot environment variable
Message: ws_transport: Failed to read Plugin Installation Root directory - Cause: Reading file failed
- Resolution: Ensure file is not corrupted or locked by another application.
Message: ws_transport: transportInitializeSecurity: Failed to determine security library Install Location - Cause: Memory allocation failed.
- Resolution: Ensure sufficient memory. Reboot machine to free memory.
Message: ws_transport: transportInitializeSecurity: security library install path could not be determined. - Cause: Gskit is not installed in expected location
- Resolution: Report to IBM the directory gskit installed, OS and architecture to determine error.
Message: ws_transport: transportInitializeSecurity: Unable to load security library - Cause: Load of gskit failed
- Resolution: Ensure gskit installation matches OS and architecture. Try a different level of gskit.
Message: ws_transport: transportInitializeSecurity: Keyring wasn't set - Cause: Keyring invalid
- Resolution: Regenerate keyring and ensure keyring loation is correct in plugin configuration
Message: ws_transport: transportSetServerAddress: Failed to resolve address [%s] and port [%s], error %d - Cause: DNS lookup failed.
- Resolution: Ensure address is resolvable. Consult OS for more information about the error.
Message: ws_transport: transportSetServerAddress: Failed to allocate space for working copy of getaddrinfo - Cause: Memory allocation error.
- Resolution: Ensure sufficient memory. Reboot to free memory.
Message: ws_transport: transportStreamPush: Tried to push a NULL stream - Cause: Stream is invalid.
- Resolution: Collect gskit trace and plugin trace and report to IBM.
Message: ws_uri: uriCreate: Failed to create uri - Cause: Memory Allocation Failure
- Resolution: Reboot the machine and try again.
Message: ws_uri_group: uriGroupCreate: Failed to create uri group - Cause: Memory Allocation Failure
- Resolution: Reboot the machine and try again.
Message: ws_vhost: vhostCreate: Failed to create vhost - Cause: Memory Allocation Failure
- Resolution: Reboot the machine and try again.
Message: ws_vhost_group: vhostGroupCreate: Failed to create vhost group - Cause: Memory Allocation Failure
- Resolution: Reboot the machine and try again.
Message: ws_vhost: vhostSetHostname: invalid IPv6 format |%s| - Cause: IPV6 invalid format
- Resolution: Ensure IPv6 address is enclosed with [ ]
Message: ws_config: configGetVhostGroup: Failed to find vhost group for %s - Cause: A virtual host group with the given name is not defined. Could be a typo or the user just forgot to define the vhost group.
- Resolution: Fix the typo or define a virtual host group with the specified name.
Message: ws_config: configGetUriGroup: Failed to find uri group for %s - Cause: A uri group with the specified name is not defined. Could be a typo or the user just forgot to define the uri group.
- Resolution: Fix the typo or define a uri group with the specified name.
Message: ws_config: configGetServerGroup: Failed to find server group for %s - Cause: A server group with the specified name is not defined. Could be a typo or the user just forgot to define the server group.
- Resolution: Fix the typo or define a server group with the specified name.
Message: ws_config_parser: configParserParse: Failed to create the sxpParser object for %s - Cause: Memory Allocation Error or the file failed to be opened.
- Resolution: Check
the permissions of the config file and ensure the user the webserver is
running under has the authority to open the config file for reading.
Message: ws_config_parser: websphereUpdateConfig: Failed to parse the config file %s - Cause: Syntax error or bad parameters in the config file.
- Resolution: Check previous messages to determine exactly what the problem is and fix that issue.
Message: ws_config_parser: resolveConfigRoutes: Failed to set the vhost group - Cause: The given vhost group was not actually defined in the config file.
- Resolution: Fix the typo or define the vhost in the config file.
Message: ws_config_parser: resolveConfigRoutes: Failed to set the uri group - Cause: The given uri group was not actually defined in the config file.
- Resolution: Fix the typo or define the uri group in the config file.
Message: ws_config_parser: resolveConfigRoutes: Failed to set the server group - Cause: The given server group was not actually defined in the config file.
- Resolution: Fix the typo or define the server group in the config file.
Message: ws_config_parser: normalizeServerGroupWeights: Alloc failure. - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Ensure enough memory. Reboot machine. Use tools to check for memory leak.
Message: ws_config_parser: handleEndElement: current config is NULL - Cause: Configuration file could not be read.
- Resolution: Reboot machine and try again. Ensure configuration file is in correct location and valid file.
Message: ws_config_parser: handleConfigStart: ResponseSizeChunk invalid, using default value of 64k. - Cause: Configuration element invalid.
- Resolution: Valid range is 0 to 200,000
Message: ws_config_parser: handleServerStart: %s must be a positive integer: %d - Cause: Value invalid
- Resolution: Ensure value is between 0 and 65535
Message: ws_config_parser: handlePropertyStart: Unknown attribute: %s - Cause: Attribute not valid
- Resolution: Ensure value is valid for the release being used.
Message: ws_config_parser: convertNameListToServerList: Failed to create the return list - Cause: Memory error.
- Plugin Log Error Messages
you will find a listing of the error messages that you could see during
runtime that are related to the WebSphere Plugins. Along with the
actual error message, cause and resolution for the problem associated
with the error message is also provided. Error Messages Errors Cause/Resolution Message: ws_common: websphereUpdateConfig: Failed to create the parser object for %s - Cause: The
creation of the config parser failed. The only reason you would see
this is if memory allocation failed (malloc returned NULL).
- Resolution: Reboot the machine and try again.
Message: ws_common: websphereUpdateConfig: Failed parsing the plugin config file - Cause: A
syntax error in the config file or some invalid setting in the config
file. Other messages should be printed out prior to this one that will
help lead you to the problem.
- Resolution: Check the previous messages and fix the problems associated with them.
Message: ws_common: websphereUpdateConfig: Failed to open log: %s - Cause: The
log file that the plugin uses to write errors to failed to be opened.
This could be because an invalid path was entered or the user the
webserver is running as doesn't have the permission needed to open or
write to the path being used.
- Resolution: Check
the setting in the plugin config file to make sure that the path is
valid. If you have a valid path there ensure the user the webserver is
running under has the necessary permission for the log file to be
created/opened for writing.
Message: ws_common: websphereGetConfigFilename: Failed to open registry: %s - Cause: WIN32 only. The windows registry could not be opened or the key does not exist.
- Resolution: Add
the key to the registry by hand will solve this problem but other keys
WebSphere needs are also likely to be missing/corrupted so other
problems are likely to occur.
Message: ws_common: websphereGetConfigFilename: Failed to get keysize or keysize too long: %d for confFile: %d - Cause: The value of the key could not be determined or the length of the path to the config file is too long.
- Resolution: The
value of the key must be less than 255 in order to fit in the static
buffer the plugin uses to store the path to the config file.
Message: ws_common: websphereGetConfigFilename: Failed to read the key: %s - Cause: The attempt to read the value of the key failed.
- Resolution: Contact IBM support.
Message: ws_common: websphereGetConfigFilename: Failed to close registry - Cause: The key either got corrupted or was deleted since it was opened it.
- Resolution: Contact IBM support.
Message: ws_common: websphereGetConfigFilename: Config file path too long: %d for confFile: %d - Cause: UNIX
only. The path with WASHOME plug /config/plugin-cfg.xml is too long to
fit in the static buffer the plugin uses to store the path to the config
- Resolution: Shorten the installation path of WebSphere.
Message: ws_common: websphereInit: no configuration filename specified - Cause: No config file was given for the plugin to initialize.
- Resolution: Contact IBM Support if other messages do not resolve problem.
Message: ws_common: websphereInit: strdup() of config file failed - Cause: The
actual call to strdup failed. This is essentially a memory allocation
failure which would mean you have bigger problems then the plugin not
- Resolution: Reboot the machine and try again.
Message: ws_common: websphereInit: Failed to create the mutex - Cause: The creation of the mutex failed. This is a memory allocation failure. (call to malloc failed)
- Resolution: Reboot the machine and try again.
Message: ws_common: websphereInit: Failed to load the config file - Cause: Something
in the loading of the configuration went wrong. Possible problems could
be the file doesn't exist or a syntax error in the config file.
- Resolution: Previous error messages should help determine the reason the config file failed to load.
Message: ws_common: websphereBeginRequest: Config reloading FAILED; using old config - Cause: The
plugin attempted to reload the config file because it had changed
recently but the reload failed. The plugin will continue using the old
configuration until the new configuration can be loaded successfully.
- Resolution: Previous error messages will help determine the reason that the config file load failed.
Message: %s Out of file/socket handles during request. - Cause: Out of file handles
- Resolution: Increase OS file handles or reduce applications using handles
Message: ws_common: webspherePortNumberForMatching: Null req info. - Cause: Null pointer passed to function
- Resolution: Contact IBM support.
Message: ws_common: websphereUpdateConfig: configFilename is NULL - Cause: AS400 only: configuration filename not specified
- Resolution: Specify filename in webserver configuration
Message: ws_common: websphereUpdateConfig: Failed to stat plugin config file: %s - Cause: OS stat command failed for file
- Resolution: Check that the file exists
Message: ws_common: websphereUpdateConfig: Failed parsing plugin config file
The above file may not have correct authorities. Perform a WRKLNK, Opt 9
on above file. Check that QTMHHTTP and QNOTES have correct authorities:
- Cause: The plugin configuration file could not be parsed.
- Resolution: Ensure file was created using WAS generation
Message: ws_common: GetIISErrorLocation: Failed to open registry: %s - Cause: Windows only: Keys for custom error messages not found
- Resolution: Ignore unless custom error messages desired. Follow technote #1177967 instructions to add required keys/entries in registry
Message: ws_common: GetIISErrorLocation: Failed to read the key: %s - Cause: Windows only: Key is found but data not valid
- Resolution: Follow technote #1177967 instructions to add required entries. Be sure to specify correct data type
Message: ws_common: websphereGetConfigFilename: Failed to open registry: %s - Cause: Windows only: failed to open windows registry
- Resolution: Check for the existence of the key in the registry. If it does not exist, reinstall.
Key is HKLMSOFTWAREIBMWeb server Plug-ins for IBM WebSphere Application Server7.0.0.0 Message: ws_common: websphereInit: Failed to stat file %s. If the plugin-cfg.xml file i located at %s set the WAS_PLUGIN_CONFIG_FILE environment variable to the correct plugin-cfg.xml file - Cause: OS command failed. Valid for AIX, Solaris, HPUX11 and Linux
- Resolution: Check for the existence of the file and ensure OS stat command is working.
Message: ws_common: websphereInit: Failed to create the config mutex - Cause: Failed to create a lock necessary to update the configuration file.
- Resolution: Ensure multiple instances of plugin are not running. Ensure OS is configured for sufficient mutexes. Reboot system.
Message: ws_common: websphereInit: Failed to create the log mutex - Cause: Failed to create a lock necessary to open the plugin log file.
- Resolution: Ensure log file is not opened by editors or other applications. Ensure OS is configured for sufficient mutexes. Reboot system.
Message: ws_common: websphereInit: Failed to create the reqMetrics mutex - Cause: Failed to create a lock necessary for the request metrics
- Resolution: Ensure OS is configured for sufficient mutexes. Reboot system.
Message: ws_common: websphereBeginRequest: Request Info Encoded URI is NULL - Cause: The webserver did not pass the encoding information to plugin
- Resolution: Enable tracing on the webserver and plugin and investigate encoding passed
Message: ws_common: websphereGetPortForAppServer: Conversion error. - Cause: Internal call to copy a string failed.
- Resolution: Collect plugin trace during error and contact IBM support
Message: ws_common: websphereGetPortForAppServer: Reqinfo and extReqinfo should be non null at this stage. - Cause: Request passed to plugin to process is empty
- Resolution: Collect webserver and plugin trace and examine for fault
Message: ws_common:
websphereCreateClient: POST (request content) greater than the size
limit; please adjust PostSizeLimit attribute for this server group if
you wish to allow for this. %d > %d. - Cause: Post is too large to accept
- Resolution: Increase configuration parameter
Message: ws_common: websphereExtendedHandshake: Failed writing the extended handshake request - Cause: Write failed to socket
- Resolution: Check for adapter errors and TCP errors, use iptrace to ensure partner side is not closing connection
Message: ws_common: websphereExtendedHandshake: Failed to read the extended handshake response - Cause: Read failed to socket
- Resolution: Check for adapter errors and TCP errors, use iptrace to ensure partner side is not closing connection
Message: ws_common: websphereExtendedHandshake: failed to get 200 response, will not send request - Cause: Backend did not respond to HEAD request with 200 OK
- Resolution: Verify
configuration of backend is setup to respond to HEAD with 200 or change
plugin configuration to not use extended handshake.
Message: ws_common: websphereGetStream: Maximum allowed socket limit reached, socket %d. - Cause: Sockets exceed 32*1024
- Resolution: Use netstat to watch for connections that are not closing and investigate this issue
Message: ws_common: websphereGetStream: socket descriptor=%d exceeds socket descriptor limit of %d - Cause: Sockets exceeds 32*1024 on AS400
- Resolution: Use netstat to watch for connections that are not closing and investigate this issue
Message: ws_common: websphereGetStream: Failed to connect; OS err = %d - Cause: TCP connection failed.
- Resolution: Check OS error codes for failure cause
Message: ws_common: websphereGetStream: socket error conditions pending - Cause: getpeerName failed
- Resolution: Check for failures for this OS call
Message: ws_common: websphereGetStream: Connect timeout fired - Cause: The backend did not respond within the connection timeout period.
- Resolution: Increase the connection timeout or investigate delay from backend.
Message: ws_common: websphereGetStream: failed to set server read timeout for socket %d - Cause: setsocketoption failed
- Resolution: Consult OS documentation for error code and actions
Message: ws_common: websphereGetStream: failed to set server write timeout for socket %d - Cause: setsocketoption failed
- Resolution: Consult OS documentation for error code and actions
Message: ws_common: websphereGetStream: Extended handshake failed - Cause: Extended handshake did not work.
- Resolution: Ensure backend configured to respond with 200 OK for HEAD requests or disable the extendedHandshake.
Message: ws_common: websphereExecute: Failed to write request to server. - Cause: Error writing data on the socket
- Resolution: Check plugin log for other more descriptive errors
Message: ws_common: websphereExecute: AIX Non Blocking connect and first read failed; port is down - Cause: AIX returns bad return code but you must wait until read to find out the error.
- Resolution: Consult plugin log for additional related errors
Message: ws_common: websphereShouldHandleRequest: Config reloading FAILED; using old config - Cause: New configuration could not be loaded.
- Resolution: Ensure configuration file is not locked by another application and check recent changes for errors.
Message: ws_common:
websphereHandleRequest: Failed to retrieve update DWLM table retrieved
from '%s'on host '%s'; using WLM to route request - Cause: DWLM could not be retrieved
- Resolution: Check backend configuration. Run network trace to ensure backend is responding to request.
Message: ws_common: websphereWriteRequestReadResponse: Failed to find an app server to handle this request - Cause: All servers are probably down.
- Resolution: Ensure that there is a server capable of handling the request.
Message: ws_common: websphereRequestHandler: Failed to reply to the browser - Cause: Sending data to browser failed.
- Resolution: Most
likely, the browser was closed. If error continues, run iptrace from
client and plugin and determine why connection is terminating.
Message: ws_common: websphereHandleRequest: Failed to handle request - Cause: Error occurred processing request.
- Resolution: Consult plugin log for additional error messages
Message: ws_common: websphereGetDWLMTable: Failed writing the partition table request - Cause: Write on the socket failed.
- Resolution: Ensure connection has not been closed by server. Check OS for TCP or adapter errors.
Message: ws_common: websphereParsePartitionIDs: Failed to allocate space for clone id from pool - Cause: Out of memory.
- Resolution: Consult OS for memory errors. Add memory. Run memory monitoring tools to look for memory leaks.
Message: ws_common: websphereHandleRequest: Request Info URI is NULL - Cause: Check to make sure the url isn't NULL.
- Resolution: Client is in error.
Message: ws_common: websphereFindServerGroup: Failed to get the server group - Cause: The route did not have a server group.
- Resolution: Contact IBM support.
Message: ws_common: websphereCreateClient: Failed to create the client - Cause: Memory Allocation Failure
- Resolution: Reboot the machine and try again.
Resolution: Ensure enough memory. Reboot machine. Use tools to check for memory leak. Message: ws_config_parser: converNameListToServerList: Failed to find server %s - Cause: DNS error
- Resolution: Ensure servername is valid and resolvable.
Message: ws_config_parser: handleLogEnd: Failed to open log file: '%s', OS Err: %d - Cause: Could not open file.
- Resolution: Ensure file is not locked by another application. Consult OS for return code information.
Message: ws_config_parser: handleServerGroupEnd: Attempting to add a server group with no servers - Cause: No servers found
- Resolution: Ensure configuration is correct.
Message: lib_security: updateOSLibpath: Error accessing Registry, RegOpenKeyEx returned [%s]. - Cause: GSKit registry location not found. (Windows Only)
- Resolution: Make sure that the GSKit was installed properly and registry keys exist (and point to the correct location) in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREIBMGSK$CurrentVersion (where $ stands for the GSKit base version installed) for LibPath, InstallPath, BinPath, and Version
- On 64-bit systems, if you have installed a 32-bit GSKit, it will be located in the registry in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeIBMGSKXCurrentVersion. Make sure the plugin that you installed is also 32-bit or the GSKit will fail to load.
Message: lib_security: updateOSLibpath: Setting the LIBPATH for GSK failed. - Cause: Memory Allocation Failure
- Resolution: Reboot the system and try again.
Message: lib_security: updateOSLibpath: Setting the LIBPATH for GSK failed, could not append /usr/opt/ibm/gskkm/lib. - Cause: Memory Allocation Failure
- Resolution: Reboot the system and try again.
Message: lib_security: updateOSLibpath: Setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH for GSK failed. - Cause: Memory Allocation Failure
- Resolution: Reboot the system and try again.
Message: lib_security: updateOSLibpath: Setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH for GSK failed, could not append /usr/lib. - Cause: Memory Allocation Failure
- Resolution: Reboot the system and try again.
Message: lib_security: updateOSLibpath: Setting the LD_LIBRARY for GSK failed. - Cause: Memory Allocation Failure
- Resolution: Reboot the system and try again.
Message: lib_security: updateOSLibpath: Setting the LD_LIBRARY for GSK failed, could not append /usr/lib. - Cause: Memory Allocation Failure
- Resolution: Reboot the system and try again.
Message: lib_security: updateOSLibpath: Setting the SHLIB_PATH for GSK failed. - Cause: Memory Allocation Failure
- Resolution: Reboot the system and try again.
Message: lib_security: updateOSLibpath: Setting the SHLIB_PATH for GSK failed, could not append /usr/lib. - Cause: Memory Allocation Failure
- Resolution: Reboot the system and try again.
Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: Failed to load gsk library - Cause: The GSK isn't installed or is installed incorrectly. (call to dlopen() or LoadLibrary() failed)
- Resolution: Check that the GSKit is installed correctly.
- Also
make sure that if you are using a 64-bit system that you are using a
64-bit GSK. If the installer installed a 32-bit GSKit with a 64-bit
Plugin, or vice-versa, you may also receive a registry error on Windows systems.
Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_environment_open function undefined - Cause: The function name couldn't be found in the library. Incorrect version of the GSK is installed.
- Resolution: Install the correct version of the GSK.
Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_environment_close function undefined - Cause: The function name could not be resolved. Incorrect version of the GSK installed.
- Resolution: Install the correct version of the GSK.
Message: >lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_environment_init function undefined - Cause: The function name could not be resolved. Incorrect version of the GSK installed.
- Resolution: Install the correct version of the GSK.
Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_environment_init function undefined - Cause: The function name could not be resolved. Incorrect version of the GSK installed.
- Resolution: Install the correct version of the GSK.
Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_secure_soc_open function undefined - Cause: The function name could not be resolved. Incorrect version of the GSK installed.
- Resolution: Install the correct version of the GSK.
Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_secure_soc_init function undefined - Cause: The function name could not be resolved. Incorrect version of the GSK installed.
- Resolution: Install the correct version of the GSK.
Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_secure_soc_close function undefined - Cause: The function name could not be resolved. Incorrect version of the GSK installed.
- Resolution: Install the correct version of the GSK.
Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_secure_soc_read function undefined - Cause: The function name could not be resolved. Incorrect version of the GSK installed.
- Resolution: Install the correct version of the GSK.
Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_secure_soc_write function undefined - Cause: The function name could not be resolved. Incorrect version of the GSK installed.
- Resolution: Install the correct version of the GSK.
Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_attribute_set_numeric_value function undefined - Cause: The function name could not be resolved. Incorrect version of the GSK installed.
- Resolution: Install the correct version of the GSK.
Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_attribute_get_numeric_value function undefined - Cause: The function name could not be resolved. Incorrect version of the GSK installed.
- Resolution: Install the correct version of the GSK.
Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_attribute_set_buffer function undefined - Cause: The function name could not be resolved. Incorrect version of the GSK installed.
- Resolution: Install the correct version of the GSK.
Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_attribute_get_buffer function undefined - Cause: The function name could not be resolved. Incorrect version of the GSK installed.
- Resolution: Install the correct version of the GSK.
Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_strerror function undefined - Cause: The function name could not be resolved. Incorrect version of the GSK installed.
- Resolution: Install the correct version of the GSK.
Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_attribute_set_callback function undefined - Cause: The function name could not be resolved. Incorrect version of the GSK installed.
- Resolution: Install the correct version of the GSK.
Message: lib_security: initializeSecurity: Unable to load security library - Cause: Either couldn't open the GSK library or at least 1 of the functions failed to get resolved.
- Resolution: Check previous error messages and fix those.
Message: lib_security: initializeSecurity: Failed to set gsk environment - Cause: Failed to set the keyring or the stashfile in the GSK environment.
- Resolution: Check the plugin configuration and make sure the settings in the properties of the transports are correct.
Message: lib_security: initializeSecurity: Failed to initialize GSK environment - Cause: The environment could not be initialized successfully. Bad keyfile, stashfile, or password given to the transport.
- Resolution: Check previous messages and the parameters specified in the transport properties in the plugin configuration.
Message: lib_security: logSSLError: str_security (gsk error %d): %s - Cause: Generic error message allowing us to see what the return code from the GSK was.
- Resolution: Hope that the error code from the GSK offers some suggestions on what the problem might be.
Message: lib_security_config: htsecurityConfigCreate: Failed to create security config object - Cause: Memory Allocation Failure
- Resolution: Reboot the machine and try again.
Message: lib_security: updateOSLibpath: Storage allocation failed. - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Consult OS for memory errors. Add memory. Run memory monitoring tools to look for memory leaks.
Message: lib_security: updateOSLibpath: Storage allocation failed - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Consult OS for memory errors. Add memory. Run memory monitoring tools to look for memory leaks.
Message: lib_security: initializeSecurity: Failed to set gskit environment rc= - Cause: gskit call failed
- Resolution: Consult gskit doc for error code; collect gskit trace
Message: lib_security: logSKITPError: str_security (gsk error %d): %s - Cause: gskit call failed
- Resolution: Consult gskit doc for error code; collect gskit trace
Message: lib_security: logSSLError: str_security (gsk error %d): %s - Cause: gskit call failed
- Resolution: Consult gskit doc for error code; collect gskit trace
Message: lib_security_config: htsecurityConfigDestroy: Failed in r_gsk_environment_close : %s(gsk rc = %d) - Cause: gskit call failed
- Resolution: Consult gskit doc for error code; collect gskit trace
Message: lib_security_config: htsecurityConfigCreate: Failed to create security config object - Cause: gskit call failed
- Resolution: Consult gskit doc for error code; collect gskit trace
Message: lib_sxp: sxpParse: File Lexer returned NULL. line %d of %s - Cause: The file lexer reached the end of the file unexpectedly.
- Resolution: Check the syntax of the config file to make sure it is proper.
Message: lib_sxp: sxpParse: Expected '<' token; got '%s'. line %d of %s - Cause: The state machine of the plugin parser came across unexpected input in the plugin configuration file.
- Resolution: Remove the unexpected text.
Message: lib_sxp: sxpParse: Expected first dash of comment start; got '%s'. line %d of %s - Cause: The state machine of the plugin parser was expecting the other part of a comment but found something else.
- Resolution: Fix the syntax of the comment.
Message: lib_sxp: sxpParse: Expected second dash of comment start; got '%s'. line %d of %s - Cause: The state machine of the plugin parser was expecting the other part of a comment but found something else.
- Resolution: Fix the syntax of the comment.
Message: lib_sxp: sxpParse: Expected comment end; got '%s'. line %d of %s - Cause: The state machine of the plugin parser was expecting the other part of a comment but found something else.
- Resolution: Fix the syntax of the comment.
Message: lib_sxp: sxpParse: Start element returned FALSE for %s. line %d of %s - Cause: The call for starting the element failed and returned false.
- Resolution: Check previous error messages to help narrow down what exactly might be the problem.
Message: lib_sxp: sxpParse: Expected '=' token; got '%s'. line %d of %s - Cause: The state machine of the plugin parser came across unexpected text.
- Resolution: Fix the syntax of the plugin config file.
Message: lib_sxp: sxpParse: End element returned FALSE for %s. line %d of %s - Cause: The call for ending the element failed and returned false.
- Resolution: Check the previous error messages to help narrow down what exactly might be the problem.
Message: lib_sxp: sxpParse: Expected '>' token or %s; got '%s'. line %d of %s - Cause: The state machine of the plugin parser came across unexpected text.
- Resolution: Fix the syntax of the plugin config file.
Message: lib_sxp: sxpParse: Expected '>' token; got '%s'. line %d of %s - Cause: The state machine of the plugin parser came across unexpected text.
- Resolution: Fix the syntax of the plugin config file.
Message: mod_app_server_http: as_create_config: memory allocation failed - Cause: Memory Allocation Failure
- Resolution: Reboot the machine and try again.
Message: mod_app_server_http: as_init: unable to get module config - Cause: The apache module config was not found.
- Resolution: Contact IBM support.
Message: mod_app_server_http: as_init: unable to initialize WebSphere - Cause: WebSphere Initialization failed.
- Resolution: Check previous error messages to help narrow down the problem.
Message: iis_plugin: GetFilterVersion: Failed to get the config file - Cause: The path to the plugin config file could not be found in the registry.
- Resolution: Fix the registry so that the path to the config file is specified.
Message: iis_plugin: GetFilterVersion: Failed to initialize WebSphere - Cause: WebSphere Initialization failed.
- Resolution: Check previous error messages to help narrow down the problem.
Message: iis_plugin: getServerVariable: Failed to extract server variable: %s - Cause: Failure to extract a variable needed by the plugin from ISAPI.
- Resolution: This error would only be seen if the plugin was running on an unsupported version of IIS.
Message: iis_plugin: cb_get_headers: Skipping header name '%s'; This is a restricted WebSphere header - Cause: The
request came in with one of the special headers that the plugin will
normally add to the request and by default the plugin removes those from
the request for security reasons.
- Resolution: Could
be a sign of a hacker trying to attach the system. If the user doesn't
want the headers to be removed they can set the RemoveSpecialHeaders
attribute for the ServerGroup(s) they don't want the removed from to
Message: iis_plugin: cb_get_headers: Unknown state parsing headers: |%s| - Cause: The state machine used to parse the headers entered an unknown state.
- Resolution: Contact IBM support.
Message: iis_plugin: cb_get_headers: Failed to parse and set headers: |%s| - Cause: The parsing of the request headers failed for some reason.
- Resolution: Unlikely to see this message unless bad headers are being sent in the request.
Message: iis_plugin: filterGetServerPort: Bad parameter (%p, %p). - Cause: Call to IIS failed
- Resolution: Ensure IIS is compatible level, report error to IBM.
Message: iis_plugin: filterGetServerPort: Couldn't get SERVER_PORT: %d. - Cause: Call to IIS failed
- Resolution: Ensure IIS is compatible level, report error to IBM.
Message: iis_plugin: filterGetServerPort: non-numeric port? '%s' - Cause: Call to IIS failed
- Resolution: Ensure IIS is compatible level, report error to IBM.
Message: iis_plugin: get_host_and_port: Couldn't fit port in buffer. - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: iis_plugin: cb_get_headers: Skipping header name '%s'; This is a restricted WebSphere header - Cause: Internal message
- Resolution: This error can be ignored.
Message: ns61_plugin: as_init: no config file specified - Cause: bootstrap.properties not found
- Resolution: Ensure proper configuration
Message: ns61_plugin: as_init: unable to initialize WebSphere - Cause: Initialization failed.
- Resolution: Examine plugin log for other errors
Message: ns61_plugin: cb_get_headers: Skipping header name '%s'; This is a restricted WebSphere header - Cause: Internal message
- Resolution: This error can be ignored.
Message: ns61_plugin: cb_get_extended_info: Buffer overflow. (%s) - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ns_plugin: cb_get_headers: No headers from the client - Cause: The client didn't send any headers with the request.
- Resolution: Figure out why the client isn't sending any headers.
Message: ns_plugin: cb_get_headers: Skipping header name '%s'; This is a restricted WebSphere header - Cause: The
request came in with one of the special headers that the plugin will
normally add to the request and by default the plugin removes those from
the request for security reasons.
- Resolution: Could
be a sign of a hacker trying to attach the system. If the user doesn't
want the headers to be removed they can set the RemoveSpecialHeaders
attribute for the ServerGroup(s) they don't want the removed from to
Message: ns_plugin: cb_get_headers: Unknown state parsing headers: |%s| - Cause: The state machine used to parse the headers entered an unknown state.
- Resolution: Contact IBM support.
Message: ns_plugin: cb_get_headers: Failed to parse and set headers: |%s| - Cause: The parsing of the request headers failed for some reason.
- Resolution: Unlikely to see this message unless bad headers are being sent in the request.
Message: ns_plugin: as_init: unable to initialize WebSphere - Cause: WebSphere Initialization failed.
- Resolution: Check previous error messages to help narrow down the problem.
Message: domino5_plugin: FilterInit: Failed to get the config file - Cause: The path to the plugin config file could not be found in the registry.
- Resolution: Fix the registry so that the path to the config file is specified.
Message: domino5_plugin: FilterInit: Failed to initialize WebSphere - Cause: WebSphere Initialization failed.
- Resolution: Check previous error messages to help narrow down the problem.
Message: ERROR: WebSpherePluginCfg variable not defined in notes.ini - Cause: WebSpherePluginCFg not defined
- Resolution: Verify configuration
Message: ERROR: Failed to initialize WebSphere - Cause: Initialization failed
- Resolution: Consult log for other errors
Message: ERROR: WebSphere HTTP DSAPI filter initialization failed. Return code = %x - Cause: Initialization failed.
- Resolution: Consult log for other errors, contact IBM.
Message: domino5_plugin: domino_parse_headers: Can't parse headers with length 0 - Cause: The plugin failed to extract the headers from DSAPI.
- Resolution: The client didn't send any request headers for the plugin to parse.
Message: domino5_plugin: domino_parse_headers: Skipping header name '%s'; This is a restricted WebSphere header - Cause: The
request came in with one of the special headers that the plugin will
normally add to the request and by default the plugin removes those from
the request for security reasons.
- Resolution: Could
be a sign of a hacker trying to attach the system. If the user doesn't
want the headers to be removed they can set the RemoveSpecialHeaders
attribute for the ServerGroup(s) they don't want the removed from to
Message: domino5_plugin: domino_parse_headers: Unknown state parsing headers: |%s| - Cause: The state machine used to parse the headers entered an unknown state.
- Resolution: Contact IBM support.
Message: ws_server: serverAddTransport: Failed to initialize server address - Cause: The creation of the server address failed. The DNS server is down or the IP address could not be found on the network.
- Resolution: Try
putting the IP address of the machine in the transport definition.
Check to see if you can ping whatever value you have defined. If you
can't then figure out what the problem is.
Message: ws_server: serverAddTransport: Failed to initialize security - Cause: The
GSK initialization failed. Could be seen if the GSK wasn't installed on
the machine or if the install of the GSK was bad. GSK Initialization
parameters are incorrect.
- Resolution: Ensure
that the correct GSK version is installed. Check other error messages
previous to this one to help determine what exactly went wrong.
Message: ws_server: serverSetFailoverStatus: Marking %s down - Cause: The
plugin has determined that the specified server is down and has marked
it accordingly. It will retry the server in 60 seconds or whatever the
specified RetryInterval is for the server group.
- Resolution: Check the app server to make sure that it hasn't gone down. It could be that it is so busy it can't handle anymore requests.
Message: ws_server: serverAddTransport: HTTPS Transport is skipped - Cause: Security is not enabled.
- Resolution: Consult log for other errors.
Message: ws_server_group: serverGroupGetServerIterator: group %s server %d of %d is NULL - Cause: The server is NULL.
- Resolution: Contact IBM support.
Message: ws_server_group: serverGroupGetServer: group %s server %d of %d is NULL - Cause: The server is NULL.
- Resolution: Contact IBM support.
Message: ws_server_group: serverGroupFindCloneID: Null clone ID for %s - Cause: The server group appears to be using session affinity but the clone id to be used for the specified server can't be found.
- Resolution: Regenerate the plugin config so that the clone id can be defined by the app server.
Message: ws_server_group:
serverGroupNextRandomServer: Failed to find a server; all could be down
or have reached the maximum connections limit - Cause: No servers available
- Resolution: Ensure configuration is not restricting traffic. Review servers for network, application problems.
Message: ws_server_group: serverGroupGetServerByID: Null clone ID for %s - Cause: Clone ID is empty.
- Resolution: Review configuration for errors.
Message: ws_server_group: serverGroupNextRoundRobinServer: Failed to find a server; all could be down - Cause: The
server group that the plugin determined the request should be routed to
either contains no servers or all of them are currently marked down.
- Resolution: Check
to make sure the ServerGroup has servers defined for it or look in the
log to see if the servers in that group have been marked down recently.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestCreate: Failed to create request object - Cause: Memory Allocation Failure
- Resolution: Reboot the machine and try again.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWrite: Failed to read the first line of the continue response - Cause: The 100 Continue response from the app server was not received.
- Resolution: Investigate the application side for cause of the error.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWrite: Failed to read correct number of args for continue response - Cause: The 100 Continue received from WAS did not have correct format.
- Resolution: Check application side for error in the 100 Continue content.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWrite: Read %d; not sending the post content - Cause: The plugin expected to read more bytes then it actually did based on the content length in the request headers.
- Resolution: Determine why the client is calculating the content length incorrectly.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestDup: Failed to duplicate request object - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestSetCookie: no '=' in cookie: |%s| - Cause: Malformed request
- Resolution: Check send for error
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestSetCookie: too many headers - Cause: Maximum number of headers reached.
- Resolution: Increase maximum headers in configuration or limit senders on headers
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestGetCookieValue: failed to create list for %s cookie - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteRequestLine: Failed to obtain storage to translate the method - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteRequestLine: Failed writing the method - Cause: Write to socket failed
- Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see if network errors or occurring.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteRequestLine: Failed writing the space after method - Cause: Write to socket failed
- Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see if network errors or occurring.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteRequestLine: Failed to obtain storage to translate the URL - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteRequestLine: Failed writing the URL - Cause: Write to socket failed
- Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see if network errors or occurring.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteRequestLine: Failed writing the question mark - Cause: Write to socket failed
- Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see if network errors or occurring.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteRequestLine: Failed to obtain storage to translate the queryString - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteRequestLine: Failed writing the query string - Cause: Write to socket failed
- Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see if network errors or occurring.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteRequestLine: Failed writing the space after URL - Cause: Write to socket failed
- Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see if network errors or occurring.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteRequestLine: Failed to obtain storage to translate the protocol - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteRequestLine: Failed writing the protocol - Cause: Write to socket failed
- Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see if network errors or occurring.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteRequestLine: Failed writing the new line - Cause: Write to socket failed
- Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see if network errors or occurring.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteHeaders: Failed to obtain storage to translate the headerName - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteHeaders: Failed writing the headerName - Cause: Write to socket failed
- Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see if network errors or occurring.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteHeaders: Failed writing the colon - Cause: Write to socket failed
- Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see if network errors or occurring.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteHeaders: Failed to obtain storage to translate the headerValue - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteHeaders: Failed writing the headerValue - Cause: Write to socket failed
- Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see if network errors or occurring.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteHeaders: Failed writing the new line - Cause: Write to socket failed
- Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see if network errors or occurring.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteHeaders: Failed writing the expect for post requests - Cause: Write to socket failed
- Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see if network errors or occurring.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteHeaders: Failed writing the blank line - Cause: Write to socket failed
- Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see if network errors or occurring.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWrite: Failed to allocate memory - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWrite: Failed writing the request line - Cause: Write to socket failed
- Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see if network errors or occurring.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWrite: Failed writing the request headers - Cause: Write to socket failed
- Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see if network errors or occurring.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWrite: Failed to read correct number of args for continue response - Cause: Read to socket failed, server may have gone down.
- Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see if network errors or occurring.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWrite: Failed to write the buffered content and request will be retried - Cause: Write to socket failed, server may have gone down.
- Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see if network errors or occurring.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWrite: Write failed and request will be retried - Cause: Write to socket failed, server may have gone down.
- Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see if network errors or occurring.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWrite: Write failed and request is not retried - Cause: Write to socket failed, server may have gone down.
- Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see if network errors or occurring.
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWrite: just_read is %d; reading of chunked content failed - Cause: Write to socket failed, server may have gone down.
- Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see if network errors or occurring. Check server side for failures
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWrite: just_read failed and request will be retried - Cause: Read socket failed
- Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see if network errors or occurring. Check server side for failures
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWrite: just_read failed and request is not retried - Cause: Read socket failed
- Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see if network errors or occurring. Check server side for failures
Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestGetCookieValue: failed to create list for %s sessions - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: WSRequest: requestCreate: malloc failed - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ws_request: requestCreate: failed to get config - Cause: Configuration not loaded.
- Resolution: Check plugin log for additional errors
Message: ws_request: requestCreate: failed to create client - Cause: Possible memory error.
- Resolution: Check logs for other errors.
Message: ws_reqmetrics: getIP: Failed to get address for [%s], ret %d - Cause: Address resolution failed.
- Resolution: Ensure address is resolvable. Check configuration and check OS for return code
Message: ws_reqmetrics: getIP: Failed to get IP - Cause: Address resolution failed
- Resolution: Ensure configuration has valid resolvable IP address
Message: ws_reqmetrics: getIP: Failed to get IP for [%s] - Cause: Address resolution failed
- Resolution: Ensure configuration has valid resolvable IP address
Message: ws_reqmetrics: reqMetricsSetFiltersEnable: fconfig or enableStr is null - Cause: Internal error.
- Resolution: Contact IBM support.
Message: ws_request_info: requestInfoCreate: malloc failed - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ws_request_info: requestInfoCreate: unable to create mpool - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: lib_htresponse: htresponseGetContentBlock: Failed to allocate the content block - Cause: Memory Allocation Failure
- Resolution: Reboot the machine and try again.
Message: lib_htresponse: htresponseGetChunk: Failed to allocate the chunk - Cause: Memory Allocation Failure
- Resolution: Reboot the machine and try again.
Message: lib_htresponse: htresponseGetChunk: Failed to read the length of the chunk - Cause: The app server is sending back an invalid chunked transfer response.
- Resolution: This error should only be seen if a bug has been introduced on the app server side.
Message: lib_htresponse: htresponseGetChunk: Failed to read the length of the chunk after extra blank line - Cause: The app server is sending back an invalid chunked transfer response.
- Resolution: This error should only be seen if a bug has been introduced on the app server side.
Message: lib_htresponse: htresponseGetChunk: Failed to scan the chunk length line - Cause: The app server is sending back an invalid chunked transfer response.
- Resolution: This error should only be seen if a bug has been introduced on the app server side.
Message: lib_htresponse: htresponseCreate: Failed to create the response - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: lib_htresponse: htresponseRead: Response code %d received. Error occured in reading response %d. - Cause: Error received from server.
- Resolution: Take action based upon return code (HTTP).
Message: lib_htresponse: htresponseRead: Response code %d received; retrying - Cause: Error received from server.
- Resolution: Take action based upon return code (HTTP).
Message: lib_htresponse: htresponseRead: Failed to allocate memory - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: lib_htresponse: htresponseGetChunk: Failed to read the length of the chunk after extra blank line - Cause: Packet does not contain valid data.
- Resolution: Examine partner for errors and collect iptrace to find error.
Message: lib_stream: openStream: Failed to create stream - Cause: Memory Allocation Failure
- Resolution: Reboot the machine and try again.
Message: lib_stream: openStream: Failed in r_gsk_secure_soc_open: %s(gsk rc = %d) - Cause: Call to the GSK failed.
- Resolution: The return code from the GSK should give you some clues as to what went wrong.
Message: lib_stream: openStream: Failed in r_gsk_attribute_set_numeric_value: %s(gsk rc = %d) - Cause: Call to the GSK failed.
- Resolution: The return code from the GSK should give you some clues as to what went wrong.
Message: lib_stream: openStream: Failed in r_gsk_secure_soc_init: %s(gsk rc = %d) - Cause: Call to the GSK failed.
- Resolution: The return code from the GSK should give you some clues as to what went wrong.
Message: lib_stream: destroyStream: Failed in r_gsk_secure_soc_close: %s(gsk rc = %d) - Cause: Call to the GSK failed.
- Resolution: The return code from the GSK should give you some clues as to what went wrong.
Message: lib_stream.c: skWRITE:..... send failed on socket %d. errno = %dn - Cause: Call to the GSK failed.
- Resolution: The return code from the GSK should give you some clues as to what went wrong.
Message: lib_stream: openStream: Setting the skitSocInitData for gsk_secure_soc_init failed. - Cause: Call to the GSK failed.
- Resolution: The return code from the GSK should give you some clues as to what went wrong.
Message: lib_stream: openStream: Failed in r_gsk_attribute_set_buffer: %s(gsk rc = %d - Cause: Call to the GSK failed.
- Resolution: The return code from the GSK should give you some clues as to what went wrong.
Message: mod_app_server_http: cb_get_headers: Skipping header name '%s'; This is a restricted WebSphere header - Cause: The
request came in with one of the special headers that the plugin will
normally add to the request and by default the plugin removes those from
the request for security reasons.
- Resolution: Could
be a sign of a hacker trying to attach the system. If the user doesn't
want the headers to be removed they can set the RemoveSpecialHeaders
attribute for the ServerGroup(s) they don't want the removed from to
Message: ws_os: osSafeSnprintf: alloc failed. - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ws_os: osSafeSnprintf: second try failed. - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ws_os: osSafeSnprintf: Couldn't retry, buffer overrun. - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ws_wlm: wlmInit: Failed to load the wlm library - Cause: Verify installation
- Resolution: Reinstall.
Message: ws_wlm: wlmInit: Failed to initialize the wlm library rc = %d - Cause: Could not load library.
- Resolution: Consult OS for error.
Message: ws_wlm: wlmGetServerList: Error obtaining servers from WLM library - Cause: Configuration error.
- Resolution: Verify configuration.
Message: ws_wlm: wlmExecute: Failed to populate WLM Http Info - Cause: Configuration error.
- Resolution: Verify configuration.
Message: ws_wlm: loadWLMLibrary: Failed to load wlm library : errno = %d , errno2 = %X - Cause: Library could not be loaded.
- Resolution: Consult OS for error codes; reinstall.
Message: ws_wlm: loadWLMLibrary: Failed to load wlm library %s - Cause: Library could not be loaded.
- Resolution: Reinstall.
Message: ws_wlm: loadWLMLibrary: Failed to resolve the wlm library functions - Cause: Library not valid.
- Resolution: Reinstall, report to IBM.
Message: lib_rio: rdopen: failed to set socket as non-block, OS err = %d - Cause: Network error.
- Resolution: Consult OS for error code information.
Message: %s line %d : Read failed, rc=%d - Cause: Network error.
- Resolution: Consult OS for error code information, look for errors on partner machine.
Message: %s line %d : Write failed, rc=%d - Cause: Network error.
- Resolution: Consult OS for error code information, look for errors on partner machine.
Message: lib_rio: wait_on_socket: ServerIOTimeout %ld passed or error with poll(), rc = %d, OS err = %d - Cause: No response received within timeout.
- Resolution: Run iptrace if you feel timeout is in error. Check partner machine for response times.
Message: lib_rio: wait_on_socket_for_read: Problem on the poll=%d= errno=%d. - Cause: Network error.
- Resolution: Consult OS for error code information, look for errors on partner machine.
Message: %s line %d : Read failed, rc=%d - Cause: Network error.
- Resolution: Consult OS for error code information, look for errors on partner machine.
Message: lib_util: setAuthString: Buffer overflow. (%d:%d) - Cause: User password combination is too large.
- Resolution: Report error to IBM.
Message: lib_util: setAuthString: authentication header truncated. - Cause: User password combination too large.
- Resolution: Data truncated and operations continue.
Message: lib_util: decodeURI: Null URI. - Cause: Invalid data received.
- Resolution: Check partner machine for correct functioning. Collect iptrace.
Message: lib_util: decodeURI: Null memory pool. - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: lib_util: decodeURI: Zero length URI. - Cause: Invalid data received.
- Resolution: Check partner machine for correct functioning. Collect iptrace.
Message: lib_util: decodeURI: Couldn't allocate memory for decoding. - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: lib_util: decodeURI: Invalid escape sequence - ran off end of URI. - Cause: Invalid data received.
- Resolution: Check partner machine for correct functioning. Collect iptrace.
Message: lib_util: decodeURI: Invalid escape sequence: '%%%c%c' - Cause: Invalid data received.
- Resolution: Check partner machine for correct functioning. Collect iptrace.
Message: lib_util: encodeURI: Null memory pool or uri (%p, %p) - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: lib_util: encodeURI: Failed to allocate memory for encoded URI. - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: lib_util: uriTrimQuery: Null pool. - Cause: Invalid data received.
- Resolution: Check partner machine for correct functioning. Collect iptrace.
Message: lib_util: uriTrimQuery: Null uri. - Cause: Invalid data received.
- Resolution: Check partner machine for correct functioning. Collect iptrace.
Message: lib_util: uriTrimQuery: Zero length uri. - Cause: Invalid data received.
- Resolution: Check partner machine for correct functioning. Collect iptrace.
Message: lib_util: uriTrimQuery: Failed to allocate memory - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: lib_util: parseHostHeader: Null pointer (%p, %p, %p, %p) - Cause: Invalid data received.
- Resolution: Check partner machine for correct functioning. Collect iptrace.
Message: lib_util: parseHostHeader: invalid IPv6 format |%s| - Cause: Invalid data received.
- Resolution: Check partner machine for correct functioning. Collect iptrace.
Message: lib_util: sanitize_string: source is Null - Cause: Invalid data received.
- Resolution: Check partner machine for correct functioning. Collect iptrace.
Message: lib_util: sanitize_string: source length is invalid - Cause: Invalid data received.
- Resolution: Check partner machine for correct functioning. Collect iptrace.
Message: %s: service_exit: Failed to allocate memory for extract. - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: %s: service_exit: Failed to allocate memory for encoded URI. - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: %s: cb_get_headers: Skipping header '%s'; This is a restricted WebSphere header - Cause: Internal messages
- Resolution: Ignore message
Message: %s: cb_get_headers: Unable to obtain headers - Cause: Invalid data received.
- Resolution: Check partner machine for correct functioning. Collect iptrace.
Message: %s: cb_read_body: Read EOF prematurely; read %d of expected %d - Cause: Invalid data received.
- Resolution: Check partner machine for correct functioning. Collect iptrace.
Message: %s: cb_read_body: Failed to read from client rc = %d; read %d of expected %d - Cause: Invalid data received.
- Resolution: Check partner machine for correct functioning. Collect iptrace.
Message: %s: cb_write_body: Failed to write the response to the client %d", zos_plugin, return_code - Cause: Invalid data received.
- Resolution: Check partner machine for correct functioning. Collect iptrace.
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy server group - Cause: Data corrupted.
- Resolution: Restart. Collect plugin at trace level. Report error to IBM
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy virtual host - Cause: Data corrupted.
- Resolution: Restart. Collect plugin at trace level. Report error to IBM
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy host header - Cause: Data corrupted.
- Resolution: Restart. Collect plugin at trace level. Report error to IBM
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_AUTH_TYPE header - Cause: Data corrupted.
- Resolution: Restart. Collect plugin at trace level. Report error to IBM
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE header - Cause: Data corrupted.
- Resolution: Restart. Collect plugin at trace level. Report error to IBM
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_CIPHER_SUITE header - Cause: Data corrupted.
- Resolution: Restart. Collect plugin at trace level. Report error to IBM
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_IS_SECURE header - Cause: Data corrupted.
- Resolution: Restart. Collect plugin at trace level. Report error to IBM
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_SCHEME header - Cause: Data corrupted.
- Resolution: Restart. Collect plugin at trace level. Report error to IBM
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_PROTOCOL header - Cause: Data corrupted.
- Resolution: Restart. Collect plugin at trace level. Report error to IBM
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_REMOTE_ADDR header - Cause: Data corrupted.
- Resolution: Restart. Collect plugin at trace level. Report error to IBM
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_REMOTE_HOST header - Cause: Data corrupted.
- Resolution: Restart. Collect plugin at trace level. Report error to IBM
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_REMOTE_USER header - Cause: Data corrupted.
- Resolution: Restart. Collect plugin at trace level. Report error to IBM
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_SERVER_NAME header - Cause: Data corrupted.
- Resolution: Restart. Collect plugin at trace level. Report error to IBM
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_SERVER_PORT header - Cause: Data corrupted.
- Resolution: Restart. Collect plugin at trace level. Report error to IBM
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_SSL_SESSION_ID header - Cause: Data corrupted.
- Resolution: Restart. Collect plugin at trace level. Report error to IBM
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_PMIRM_CORRELATOR header - Cause: Data corrupted.
- Resolution: Restart. Collect plugin at trace level. Report error to IBM
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_PARTITION_VERSION header - Cause: Data corrupted.
- Resolution: Restart. Collect plugin at trace level. Report error to IBM
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy affinity cookie - Cause: Data corrupted.
- Resolution: Restart. Collect plugin at trace level. Report error to IBM
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy affinity URL - Cause: Data corrupted.
- Resolution: Restart. Collect plugin at trace level. Report error to IBM
Message: ESI: myRequestCopy: requestCreate failed - Cause: Data corrupted.
- Resolution: Restart. Collect plugin at trace level. Report error to IBM
Message: ESI: myRequestDup: requestDup failed - Cause: Data corrupted.
- Resolution: Restart. Collect plugin at trace level. Report error to IBM
Message: ESI: esiDumpStats: unable to create /QIBM/UserData/WebAS7/service/trace/statTrace - Cause: Can not create file
- Resolution: Manually try to create file. Check disk quota and permission.
Message: ESI: esiDumpStats: unable to create /tmp/statTrace - Cause: Can not create file
- Resolution: Manually try to create file. Check disk quota and permission.
Message: ESI: esiHandleRequest: failed to create request - Cause: Data corrupted.
- Resolution: Restart. Collect plugin at trace level. Report error to IBM
Message: ESI: esiHandleRequest: failed to write response - Cause: Data corrupted.
- Resolution: Restart. Collect plugin at trace level. Report error to IBM
Message: ESI: esiControlCreate: no closing " in Surrogate-Control header value - Cause: Invalid data.
- Resolution: Data received from WAS invalid. Collect WAS traces and network trace.
Message: ESI: esiControlCreate: no value for 'cacheid' - Cause: Invalid data.
- Resolution: Data received from WAS invalid. Collect WAS traces and network trace.
Message: ESI: esiControlCreate: no value for 'depid' - Cause: Invalid data.
- Resolution: Data received from WAS invalid. Collect WAS traces and network trace.
Message: ESI: esiControlCreate: no value for 'max-age' - Cause: Invalid data.
- Resolution: Data received from WAS invalid. Collect WAS traces and network trace.
Message: ESI: esiControlCreate: no value for 'content' - Cause: Invalid data.
- Resolution: Data received from WAS invalid. Collect WAS traces and network trace.
Message: ESI: esiMonitorCreate: unable to copy request for '%s' - Cause: Internal plugin problem.
- Resolution: Collect plugin log at TRACE level and report to IBM.
Message: ESI: esiMonitorCreate: unable to set scheme for '%s' - Cause: Internal plugin problem.
- Resolution: Collect plugin log at TRACE level and report to IBM.
Message: ESI: esiMonitorCreate: unable to set scheme for '%s' - Cause: Internal plugin problem.
- Resolution: Collect plugin log at TRACE level and report to IBM.
Message: ESI: esiMonitorCreate: unable to set URL path for '%s' - Cause: Internal plugin problem.
- Resolution: Collect plugin log at TRACE level and report to IBM.
Message: ESI: esiMonitorCreate: unable to set Transfer-Encoding header for '%s' - Cause: Internal plugin problem.
- Resolution: Collect plugin log at TRACE level and report to IBM.
Message: ESI: esiMonitorCreate: unable to set Connection header for '%s' - Cause: Internal plugin problem.
- Resolution: Collect plugin log at TRACE level and report to IBM.
Message: ESI: esiMonitorCreate: unable to send request to '%s' for server group '%s' - Cause: Internal plugin problem.
- Resolution: Collect plugin log at TRACE level and report to IBM.
Message: ESI: esiMonitorCreate: unable to talk to invalidator servlet '%s' for server group '%s' - Cause: Internal plugin problem.
- Resolution: Collect plugin log at TRACE level and report to IBM.
Message: ESI:
esiMonitorCreate: unable to get the server name that handled the
request to invalidator servlet '%s' for server group '%s' - Cause: Servlet error
- Resolution: Verify configuration and partner configuration
Message: ESI: esiMonitorRun: invalid message type: %d - Cause: Internal error.
- Resolution: Collect plugin log at TRACE and report to IBM.
Message: ESI: esiRequestAddResponse: invalid Last-Modified header value: 0x%x - Cause: Internal error.
- Resolution: Collect plugin log at TRACE and report to IBM.
Message: ESI: esiHdrInfoCreate: null response message - Cause: Internal error.
- Resolution: Collect plugin log at TRACE and report to IBM.
Message: ESI: esiHdrInfoCopy: failed to set status - Cause: Internal error.
- Resolution: Collect plugin log at TRACE and report to IBM.
Message: ESI: esiHdrInfoCopy: failed to set message - Cause: Internal error.
- Resolution: Collect plugin log at TRACE and report to IBM.
Message: ESI: esiHdrInfoCopy: failed to set header - Cause: Internal error.
- Resolution: Collect plugin log at TRACE and report to IBM.
Message: ESI: esiResponseCreate: unable to remove Transfer-Encoding - Cause: Internal error.
- Resolution: Collect plugin log at TRACE and report to IBM.
Message: ESI: esiResponseCreate: unable to set Surrogate-Capability header - Cause: Internal error.
- Resolution: Collect plugin log at TRACE and report to IBM.
Message: ESI: esiResponseCreate: unable to set URL - Cause: Internal error.
- Resolution: Collect plugin log at TRACE and report to IBM.
Message: ESI: esiResponseCreate: unable to set query string - Cause: Internal error.
- Resolution: Collect plugin log at TRACE and report to IBM.
Message: ESI: esiResponseCreate: unable to set Surrogate-Capability header - Cause: Internal error.
- Resolution: Collect plugin log at TRACE and report to IBM.
Message: ESI: esiResponseCreate: unable to start the invalidation monitor. - Cause: Internal error.
- Resolution: Collect plugin log at TRACE and report to IBM.
Message: ESI: getResponse: failed to get response: rc = %d - Cause: Sever did not respond
- Resolution: Check server for errors
Message: ESI: esiResponseCreate: invalid Last-Modified header value: 0x%x - Cause: Internal error.
- Resolution: Collect plugin log at TRACE and report to IBM.
Message: ESI: esiResponseAddEsiTag: unsupported ESI tag: %s - Cause: Bad response received
- Resolution: Server sent invalid response. Consult server configuration.
Message: ESI: esiResponseAddEsiTag: no value for '%s' - Cause: Bad response received
- Resolution: Server sent invalid response. Consult server configuration.
Message: ESI: esiResponseAddEsiTag: no closing " for value '%s' - Cause: Bad response received
- Resolution: Server sent invalid response. Consult server configuration.
Message: ESI: esiResponseAddEsiTag: no value found for '%s' - Cause: Bad response received
- Resolution: Server sent invalid response. Consult server configuration.
Message: ESI: responseAddEsiTag: unknown 'onerror' value: '%s' - Cause: Bad response received
- Resolution: Server sent invalid response. Consult server configuration.
Message: ESI: responseAddEsiTag: 'src' was not found in include tag: %s - Cause: Bad response received
- Resolution: Server sent invalid response. Consult server configuration.
Message: ESI: getResponseFromCache: invalid If-Modified-Since header value: 0x%x - Cause: Bad response received
- Resolution: Server sent invalid response. Consult server configuration.
Message: ESI: storeResponseToCache: unable to determine cache id - Cause: Bad response received
- Resolution: Server sent invalid response. Consult server configuration.
Message: ESI: esiResponseProcessBody: non-terminated HTML comment: %s - Cause: Bad response received
- Resolution: Server sent invalid response. Consult server configuration.
Message: ESI: esiResponseProcessBody: no closing '/>': %s - Cause: Bad response received
- Resolution: Server sent invalid response. Consult server configuration.
Message: ESI: esiResponseGet: maximum include depth exceeded: %d - Cause: Bad response received
- Resolution: Server sent invalid response. Consult server configuration.
Message: ESI: esiResponseGet: failed ... aborting - Cause: Internal plugin error
- Resolution: Restart plugin. Collect plugin log at trace level, capturing the error.
Message: ESI: esiResponseWrite: failed to set status to 304: rc = %d - Cause: Internal plugin error
- Resolution: Restart plugin. Collect plugin log at trace level, capturing the error.
Message: ESI: esiResponsePassThru: failed to set status to 304: rc = %d - Cause: Internal plugin error
- Resolution: Restart plugin. Collect plugin log at trace level, capturing the error.
Message: ESI: esiResponsePassThru: failed to write headers: rc = %d - Cause: Internal plugin error
- Resolution: Restart plugin. Collect plugin log at trace level, capturing the error.
Message: ESI: esiResponsePassThru: failed to write body: rc = %d - Cause: Internal plugin error
- Resolution: Restart plugin. Collect plugin log at trace level, capturing the error.
Message: ESI: findClosing: no closing '%c' at '%s' - Cause: Internal plugin error
- Resolution: Restart plugin. Collect plugin log at trace level, capturing the error.
Message: ESI: parseRuleEleList: invalid operator at '%s' - Cause: Internal plugin error
- Resolution: Restart plugin. Collect plugin log at trace level, capturing the error.
Message: ESI: parseRuleEleValues: expecting '{' at '%s' - Cause: Internal plugin error
- Resolution: Restart plugin. Collect plugin log at trace level, capturing the error.
Message: ESI: parseRuleEleValues: invalid rule termination at '%s' - Cause: Internal plugin error
- Resolution: Restart plugin. Collect plugin log at trace level, capturing the error.
Message: ESI: ruleGetCacheId: invalid rule type - Cause: Internal plugin error
- Resolution: Restart plugin. Collect plugin log at trace level, capturing the error.
Message: ESI: ruleListCreate: invalid start of rule at '%s' - Cause: Internal plugin error
- Resolution: Restart plugin. Collect plugin log at trace level, capturing the error.
Message: ESI: esiRulesInit: unable to create rules cache - Cause: Internal plugin error
- Resolution: Restart plugin. Collect plugin log at trace level, capturing the error.
Message: ESI: esiUrlCreate: null URL - Cause: Internal plugin error
- Resolution: Restart plugin. Collect plugin log at trace level, capturing the error.
Message: ESI: esiUrlCreate: failed to create URL - Cause: Internal plugin error
- Resolution: Restart plugin. Collect plugin log at trace level, capturing the error.
Message: ESI: esiInitLog: unable to create ESI log file: '%s': errno=%d - Cause: Internal plugin error
- Resolution: Restart plugin. Collect plugin log at trace level, capturing the error.
Message: ESI: esiCheckMask: mask > 256 - Cause: Internal plugin error
- Resolution: Restart plugin. Collect plugin log at trace level, capturing the error.
Message: ERROR: attempt to free memory twice at %s:%d - addr=%x - Cause: Internal plugin error
- Resolution: Restart plugin. Collect plugin log at trace level, capturing the error.
Message: ERROR: invalid magic # at %s:%d - addr=%x - Cause: Internal plugin error
- Resolution: Restart plugin. Collect plugin log at trace level, capturing the error.
Message: ESI: esiMalloc: malloc failure - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ESI: esiMalloc_TS: teraspace malloc failure - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ESI: esiStrdup: strdup failure - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy server group - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy virtual host - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy host header - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_AUTH_TYPE header - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE header - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_CIPHER_SUITE header - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_IS_SECURE header - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_SCHEME header - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_PROTOCOL header - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_REMOTE_ADDR header - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_REMOTE_HOST header - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_REMOTE_USER header - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_SERVER_NAME header - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_SERVER_PORT header - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_SSL_SESSION_ID header - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_PMIRM_CORRELATOR header - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_PARTITION_VERSION header - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy affinity cookie - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy affinity URL - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ESI: myRequestCopy: requestCreate failed - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ESI: myRequestDup: requestDup failed - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ws_arm: updateOSLibpath: Setting the LIBPATH for arm failed. - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ws_arm: updateOSLibpath: Setting the LIBPATH for arm failed, could not append /usr/lib:/lib - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ws_arm: updateOSLibpath: Setting the LD_LIBRARY for arm failed. - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ws_arm: updateOSLibpath: Setting the LD_LIBRARY for arm failed, could not append /usr/lib. - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ws_arm: updateOSLibpath: Setting the SHLIB_PATH for arm failed. - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ws_arm: updateOSLibpath: Setting the SHLIB_PATH for arm failed, could not append /usr/lib. - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ws_arm: armReqCreate: %d: %d - Cause: Invalid metric.
- Resolution: A negative number was recorded as a time. Collect plugin trace and report to IBM.
Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_register_application function undefined - Cause: Library invalid.
- Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM if problem continues.
Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_destroy_application function undefined - Cause: Library invalid.
- Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM if problem continues.
Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_start_application function undefined - Cause: Library invalid.
- Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM if problem continues.
Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_register_transaction function undefined - Cause: Library invalid.
- Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM if problem continues.
Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_start_transaction function undefined - Cause: Library invalid.
- Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM if problem continues.
Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_stop_transaction function undefined - Cause: Library invalid.
- Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM if problem continues.
Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_update_transaction function undefined - Cause: Library invalid.
- Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM if problem continues.
Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_discard_transaction function undefined - Cause: Library invalid.
- Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM if problem continues.
Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_block_transaction function undefined - Cause: Library invalid.
- Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM if problem continues.
Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_unblock_transaction function undefined - Cause: Library invalid.
- Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM if problem continues.
Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_bind_thread function undefined - Cause: Library invalid.
- Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM if problem continues.
Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_unbind_thread function undefined - Cause: Library invalid.
- Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM if problem continues.
Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_report_transaction function undefined - Cause: Library invalid.
- Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM if problem continues.
Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_generate_correlator function undefined - Cause: Library invalid.
- Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM if problem continues.
Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_get_correlator_length function undefined - Cause: Library invalid.
- Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM if problem continues.
Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_get_correlator_flags function undefined - Cause: Library invalid.
- Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM if problem continues.
Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_get_arrival_time function undefined - Cause: Library invalid.
- Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM if problem continues.
Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_get_error_message function undefined - Cause: Library invalid.
- Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM if problem continues.
Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_is_charset_supported function undefined - Cause: Library invalid.
- Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM if problem continues.
Message: ws_arm: _stringifyCorrelator: %d - Cause: Correlator is too large.
- Resolution: Collect plugin log at trace when error occurs and report to IBM.
Message: ws_arm: _deStringifyCorrelator: %d: %d: Odd length correlator - Cause: Internal programming error
- Resolution: Collect plugin log at trace when error occurs and report to IBM.
Message: ws_arm: _deStringifyCorrelator: %d: %d: %s - Cause: Internal programming error
- Resolution: Collect plugin log at trace when error occurs and report to IBM.
Message: ws_arm: _armInitialize: %d: %d - Cause: Initialization error.
- Resolution: Reboot, check configuration.
Message: ws_arm: armStart: Secondary Initialization Failed: %d - Cause: Initialization error.
- Resolution: Reboot, check configuration.
Message: ws_arm: armStart: extRequestInfo == NULL: %d - Cause: Memory error.
- Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine, Reboot. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.
Message: ws_arm: armStart: %d: %d - Cause: Internal programming error
- Resolution: Collect plugin log at trace when error occurs and report to IBM.
Message: ws_arm: armStop: %d: %d - Cause: Internal programming error
- Resolution: Collect plugin log at trace when error occurs and report to IBM.
Message: ws_arm: armBlock: %d: %d - Cause: Internal programming error
- Resolution: Collect plugin log at trace when error occurs and report to IBM.
Message: ws_arm: armUnBlock: %d %d - Cause: Internal programming error
- Resolution: Collect plugin log at trace when error occurs and report to IBM.
Message: lib_arm: loadArmLibrary: Failed to load arm library - Cause: Initialization error.
- Resolution: Reboot, check configuration. Reinstall.
| |
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